Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Personal Definition of Success

I was recently asked to define success:

To many success is defined by a number or a title. My experiences have taught me that no matter how coveted the number or the title is, if one has not grown mentally, not vanquished fresh new challenges, then one cannot be deemed successful. There has to be a sense of self-achievement, a surge of happiness as each professional goal/target is reached. The remuneration and the title that may come are just positive reinforcements of that unselfish success and should not be treated as the definitions themselves. This is my idea of success - a personal desire to achieve goals for the quenching of one's own mental state as well as the company's well-being.


Ty said...

enumeration = counting
renumeration = appropriate payment

Isha said...

Insightful comment. Thank you Ty :)

Point noted.